Wednesday, April 30, 2014

On Socialism

The thing that proponents of any form of Socialism do not understand is that for all their talking points on the system being fair to everyone or that it needs to be fair for everyone, it isn't. 

Did Stalin live in the ghettos that Socialism had created? No.

Did Hitler live among the people in the city and ghettos? No.

Did Mao endure the same lifestyle as the common man? Not even close.

As it is with every political system, those that create the system, lead the system, or are integral to the system live with immunity of the effects of the system. 

Even here in America under our Limited Socialism, leaders live in homes much larger than the normal folks, paid for by those normal folks. They vacation in opulence on the backs of those that pay for it. They travel and dine at the expense of those that are caught in the gears of the system that is imposed upon them.

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