Friday, April 4, 2014

Florida Liberty Summit Jordan Page

Orlando Florida April 4th 2014

Jordan Page began the day’s event with his powerful and energetic music. Using the message of freedom and the issues that The Liberty Movement has been promoting and exposing for so long, he gave those in attendance THE show to begin the show. He shared some stories about his path to individual liberty, talking about the inspirations to his music and lyrics and the things that he sees as the most pressing issues of our time. The Military Industrial Complex and the constant state of war and conquest, The Federal Reserve and it’s printing of billions of dollars in worthless currency and it’s mandated use by the  US Federal Government to the loss of individual recognition in society today.
“Why do we sit down when all should be standing?”
The message in his songs reverberates the ideals and frustrations in the hearts and minds of Libertarians and Voluntaryists around the world. Giving those who hear him the musical outlet to release those frustrations and to connect their hopes and ideals to music, Jordan constantly and consistently makes the case for freedom in an exciting and fantastic way with his talent.
To me this is the one artist in the liberty movement that I recommend everyone hear at least once in their lives.

Set List Included:
The Message of Freedom
The Middle
Victory Song
NEW SONG!!!  From his not yet released album: Sedition

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