Friday, April 4, 2014

Florida Liberty Summit Ron Paul

Ron Paul walks to the stage with the same fire and energy that he showed during both his 2008 and 2012 Presidential Campaigns. As he received his well deserved admiration and applause, he remained humble and grounded. The crowd's noise continues into the beginning of his speech.

He begins his speech with congratulating and recognizing the Campaign for Liberty director John Tate and the Florida director Mark Cross. Dr. Paul tells the crowd about his time in Congress and the dangers and pitfalls to seniority in the House and Senate, that seniority does not always to lead to positive results.

As he speaks, the crowd pays close attention and hold on to every word the figure head of the Liberty Movement speaks.

Ron speaks on the issue of Russia and those in Washington who remain committed to attacking, reminding the group that the Neo Conservative war chant is "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb!" Even those on the other side of the proverbial political side continue their silent opposition to opposing this war versus all those committed by President Bush Jr. and his father.

Edward Snowden is mentioned as a hero and the view of Dr. Paul and that of the crowd is that he should be granted amnesty and treated as the teller of truth rather than vilified as he is now by the political powers that be.

He speaks of pulling out of the United Nations and NATO altogether, this goes over quite well with those in the room. As the topic turns to the Ukraine situation and the doctor's view is the same as it has always been. Non-Intervention is the only answer that needs to be considered.

Turning the topic to the economics of the country and the world, he says that wage control, central banking, energy monopoly by government has stifled the economic growth of countries around the world. Talking about the bailouts of General Motors and its affects, He says," People want to say we helped save GM. No we didn't save GM, to save it we should have let it fail naturally without government intervention".

"Where does the Federal Reserve get the money to buy up the treasury securities and bonds? They print it out of thin air!" And this has to be stopped. Most in this room would agree to the simple auditing of the Federal Reserve but that wouldn't serve any purpose but to show the problem. It would then take them years to get the idea to end the Fed and end the monopoly of money creation and its massive manipulation.

He moved quickly from topic to topic, getting applause on each one for his explanations and solutions for the problems that he sees.

   "The worse the problems get the more the people are going to turn away from the Government."

Ron speaks of being hopeful on the ending of the war on Drugs and its detrimental effects on America since it's inception. Bringing to attention that Non-Violent "criminals" are being held longer while violent offenders, Rapists and Murderers are being released.

Not to undermine the message he spreads or the ideals he holds, this was a speech to hit on points of agreement and of relative self education to the crowd assembled.

                                                       "The Revolution is in the Ideas"

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