Friday, November 2, 2012

Where do we go from here?

      I have been asked in the past few weeks, “ what are you going to do after this election, what will your goal be then, what will you be working for at that point, what was the goal in all of this?” I think these questions need to be answered separately, and I will do that here. But remember this is only my opinion and this is only my point of view. If you were in Tampa at the end of August and attended the “We Are The Future” rally some of this may ring true with you, and for those that are reading this abroad it may help if you watch the video of that rally. People say that this movement needs a leader at this point and that after our ideological leader did not give specific direction for some of them they have become lost and distracted by others in the race for the White House. The views and policy of those other running do not coincide with my personal beliefs and so I have not supported them in the way others have. I do believe in and support the libertarian party in the effect that they need the 5% of the vote to become a major party in the next election. I do not however support their candidate.
      So what am I going to do after this election? I intend to remain in the political atmosphere and absorb as much information as I possibly can. What I feel is important in the next few years is an education of policy and procedures for the mass of citizens of this country. They make choices based on misinformation and lies, they use name recognition to decide who to elect, and they will not look at public records of which way their elected officials vote and policies they try to impose in their capacity. I plan on getting involved both locally and statewide to ensure policies stay in check and the people can get information on the actions of our political leaders. I plan to educate any person willing to look for knowledge. I plan to work within the parties to get as much done as possible in the preservation of liberty and freedoms. I plan to hold my local representatives to their words and actions, to expose any fraud or misappropriations of state and county funds. That’s how I plan to use my time after this election is over.

      What is the goal? The goal has remained the same; it has not swayed or altered. The goal is to ensure freedom and personal liberty for every man, woman, and child who are citizens of this country, to ensure a true diplomatic end to hostilities in nations and countries all over this globe, to stop tyranny and fight intrusion into our personal lives by government. The true goal of all of this has never been about the group fighting for it but rather the ones who choose not to. The goal is to ensure that everyone gets fair treatment and are secure in their belongings from the far reaching federal tyranny. The goal is to make this country better, both financially and morally. The goal is to educate the youth in the inner workings of government and allowing them access to our government to air their grievances and to ask for reformation and repeal of unjust laws and legislation, to allow them to seek diplomacy in foreign matters. The goal is to ensure that our older citizens are safe in their financial security by allowing the social security system to continue to take care of them and allowing the younger generations to opt out of the system and save by their own means. The goal is to stop the government from running our personal lives.

     I don’t think anyone here wants to go back to the totalitarian rule of the past, and I don’t think anyone reading this would want to live through another economic depression. But by all accounts I believe that is exactly where we are headed if we don’t try to change the course. Remember your values and act on your principles. So what do we do? We continue this revolution and educate the people to the ways and means of the federal government. We fight on, we push the truth, and we remove the lies and manipulation from government one step at a time. If we all continue to do this, we can make a difference and we can save our future. WE ARE THE FUTURE.

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