Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Inherient Truth and Unguided Lies

How much of what is said by our nations leaders do you believe? How much credit do you give to the media? How often do you look at the source of the information instead of just following blindly? How does your apathy and willing ignorance cost us? How do we decipher what is real and what is not? Why do we not call for real unbiased news, why do we not expect truthfulness from our leaders?

When the political figurehead for the country or your state releases information either by audio, video, print or all of the above, how do you know it is the truth, do you care if it is the truth or would being lied to make life easier for you? How do we go through life knowing full well that we are being duped, lied to and deceived yet we take it, we allow it, we encourage it and we willingly accept it as  just another fact of life? When will the time come that our leaders were held to their word and expected to conform to the truth even if it were detrimental to their personal favor in the eyes of the public. When will we as citizens of this country and our respective state require honesty from elected officials and request a open discussion for each side of the issues? When will we have enough of the crap they feed us and say that it is for our own safety and security that we not know too much. I for one would like the truth, I can handle the truth of where my own tax dollars go and what my input into the great society is, I would like to know all the secrets of the scandals and ineptness of our government, then I could make educated decisions on who to vote for and who not to. I would like to know the reason behind our military actions and if there are any alternatives to unwarranted wars of aggression and unparallelled violence. I for one would like to know if my energy and resources are be sent off to foreign lands and squandered by the rich politicians there. I would like to know what is in these executive orders before they are signed and set in place, I would like the opportunity to review each and every bill that gets considered by all branches of government, but I guess you have to be in government to see what they really do.

When will it be acceptable to call for the revocation of licenses for media personnel that in fact deceive us or shade the news in favor of their personal goals or beliefs? When we we say enough is enough and want to review the sources as they are and not construed or misconstrued as in many cases? What if we could just write our own news, as a community, a family of people from the same areas with the same goals, fears,concerns,issues and hopes, and benefit our own towns and cities. What would happen to society if we all heard the truth on the issues from our trusted talking head on television or radio, would we all go crazy or would we be enraged that our lives are controlled and manipulated by the people we have trusted to tell us what is happening in our world. Why will they not tell you both sides of the stories that they air, why do they hide one side from your view? What is the purpose of the media if they are just a form of government controlled propaganda and misinformation, what is the purpose of not covering certain stories and adding good will stories as fluff to aid in the digestion of the false world they portray to your sight and sound? I want to hear what is going on in my community the facts of the matter, the meat of the situation and the ideas and proposals of those involved to remedy or control the situation. I want to hear an honest broadcast spoken to the American public, not dumbed down and filtered for viewing pleasure. I want to see the guy next door to me doing a story about the jackass kid who broke 12 mailboxes down the street and what he is willing to do to stop the situation and then maybe hear from my state representative about issues affecting my state and it's problem. I would like to hear my senators talking about the crap they have to deal with from these lobbyists and peddlers of money for power. I would like there to be truth in the mass media, but until the mass of people rise up and demand it they will forever color our news with their own interests.

How much does it cost us to hear these lies and accept the wool being cast over our eyes? What does it cost that our leaders wont tell us how many people really died in the drone strikes in Syria today, or the fact that cures for cancer have been around for years but the lobbyists for the big pharmaceutical companies and corporations pushing sugar pills and ineffective medicine don't want you to know, Why? because you may not buy their product or take their medicine or die out and have to pay the death tax and be replaced by a new tax paying host to the eternal parasite of greed. What does it cost to not care, to cast your voice and opinion to the wind, wipe your hands of electing officials or even paying attention to the legislation being passed by our overpaid under worked congressmen and women and our state senators. It costs your freedom, your liberty, your money, and ultimately your very life. It would be great if we knew the truth to every matter that really does effect us everyday, but with no objection from the faithful herd of willing slaves, they can continue on with the systematic destruction of human rights, human thought and expression, and the demolition of every personal freedom that our ancestors fought and died to protect. There is always more than one side to every story demand them all. It is not a matter of if and how, but when and with what force!

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