Sunday, November 18, 2012

Is there Success in Secession?

     With the rise in the call for state secession by 20+ states I though it fitting to delve into this matter and give my views on nullification and secession. I believe a process must take place before complete withdrawal from this voluntary union can take place. One thing I find disturbing from this round of petitions is that they all have originated from the white house website. The reason I am leery of this is the fact that the petition for state secession should come from the state to the federal government and not from the federal government to the state. If the federal government is putting this out to bait individuals into a trap it would be the first time doing so, but in my eyes not a complete surprise. The reason I say this is the recent push of the Enemy Expatriate Act (EEA). This bill allows the Government to strip away your citizenship at any time based on mere accusations of treason, or calling for secession. In theory by our constitution we the people should be allowed to secede from this tyrannical union at any time and protect our state assets by the use of a state militia. But in many states militias are outlawed and have been ridiculed as being nothing more than drunken backwoods hicks looking to reclaim the glory of the old south. Many in the south have made aware our intentions to secede many years ago; we are seen as racist, backwards, and treasonous.  All of this I will try to explain…..
     I believe there has to be a process to secession and that process should include nullification and the use of sanctions and regulations as the federal government uses them against the states. Nullification in essence is the outright refusal to abide by federal laws when the state government and the state residents believe the law to be in violation of the constitution. The nullification movement has taken off recently as socialized healthcare takes hold of us and the repeal of our 4th amendment rights are stripped away.  With the use of nullification as a first step the process of applying for separation has begun, as with any nasty divorce we must let the government know we intend to do what is right for the state and go against any unconstitutional federal laws. We must warn them of the results of a lost relationship with them and the benefits for the state with the separation. We must use regulations and restrictions as they do now with the state, we must propose a blockade from goods entering or leaving our state. We must try to set up peaceful negotiations with similar states for the benefit for us all. This nation was intended to be a republic with smaller republics working inside of it. This can be done as it was done in the past.
     With the implementation of The Patriot Act the NDAA and the addition to it with the EEA, it has become illegal to be disgruntled with the government and demand answers. So how do we express our grievances with the widespread tyranny in our government, how do we show that we are fed up, how do we cut ourselves out of this union peacefully? I honestly do not think we can, as in the first civil war the federal government will not let us leave peacefully; we will be cast into another war between federal government and state’s rights. The petitions have been started from within the White House. This worries me for two reasons, 1 is that they could be collecting names and state info to use in the implementation of the EEA and to fill up their multiple FEMA camps set up all over this nation. I believe this is just the beginnings of the use of the United Nations Agenda 21. Number 2 is that the calls for secession are not being done in the right manner and in effect are all null and void, the individuals signing these petitions are technically calling for Individual secession and the result may be that it will be granted, but remember the federal government will never give you something that they cannot control.
     The use of secession is the reason the America’s was founded by disgruntled Europeans. These Europeans were not cast out of their homelands they left on their own accord; they seceded from their tyrannical government. The usage of this tactic was used again in American history by the southern states and their supporters, the people of those states called for secession to their state governments.  This country was founded, retained and again fought for on the right to secession. Do I believe it is needed now? Yes in a way I do, I believe that if the federal government is to impose unconstitutional laws and immoral regulations I believe it is the independent states right and duty to remove themselves from the federal union. We have a duty to our posterity to retain our individual rights along with our state rights. It is our duty to fight by use of arms or legislature the right to secede. The method I think is wrong, but the message is what is important. SECEDE OR DIE!

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