Friday, April 4, 2014

Florida Liberty Summit - Jack Hunter.

Florida Liberty Summit

Jack Hunter, known to some as The Southern Avenger, gave a speech breaking down CPAC 2014 and talking about his views on what he calls The Future of Liberty – Part 1.

At CPAC Mike Huckabee gave a statement that the Republican Party is increasingly becoming more Libertarian, and Mr. Hunter says, “Thank God for that!”

Giving notes on The Goldwater Era alongside the Reagan Era, the Philosophy of the Bush Dynasty.
On Goldwater, Jack states there is a thought that America was not ready for the hard hitting and extremely deep cutting ideas of Barry Goldwater in 1965. I would absolutely agree on this fact.

“Those Damn Goldwater people are everywhere.”

Jack is a dedicated supporter of Libertarian ideals and of Ron Paul, the figurative mast head of the liberty and libertarian movement. He gives an idea that as Libertarianism, the philosophy not the party, the more the establishment Republican Party has to fear.

“The old guard of the Republican Party is clueless to the rising of Libertarians.”

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