Saturday, April 5, 2014

Florida Liberty Summit - Ben Swann

Starting his speech with a 7th inning stretch of sorts, a rain storm exercise with the audience, loosening them up and getting them energized again, he starts with his newest mantra Humanity is greater than Politics.  

Pointing to his hashtag #LibertyIsRising, he explains how is coming to this fact that the more people experiencing the pains of failed administration after another, they are being drawn to the idea that true liberty is not only possible but essential to us as human beings.

His topic today is The future of Liberty in Media, and he explains that the rise of libertarian ideals has come into media eye with the greatest contempt being shown by the establishment.  Showing this with the almost war in Syria, where 89% of the population said they were not interested in a new war in another country. For the first time in this administration the President deferred the choice from himself to congress and they decided it would not be in THEIR interest to do this against the will of the voting populace.

The ever expanding War on Drugs, The militarization of police in this country, Drone Strike or Signature Strike Programs and The Patriot Act and its effects on our everyday lives are the biggest areas of concern according to Swann. Expanding on these issues he says on Drone strikes, “The signature strike program used by our nation’s government and military has an effective rate of 2%, think about that for a second, what does that mean? It means that 98% of the time innocent people are being killed.” This is backed by reports by Former US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told AFP  who said that of the 5000 drone strikes in Yemen in 2011, less than 2% were confirmed as being valuable targets, Al Qaeda or Taliban forces.

Let’s Talk About Socialism

“All Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto are alive in America”
Ben asks the crowd if they believe we are headed towards socialism, and with quick response a person yells, “We’re already there man!” and Ben agrees.  It is true that all ten planks are manifested in the United States and it is true that they are just as dangerous to the cause of individual liberty in this country as in any other country at any other time in history.

Ben gives a strong recommendation and endorsement for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. “It is in my opinion the strongest case for Free Market Capitalism.” This leads to a talk about Capitalism over corporatism and the symptoms and effects in both forms. The need to educate the people of the differences in the two is of utmost importance.

I am glad to see his opposition to the Con-Con or Constitutional Convention by states. Under the idea that “how many of these Red-States that are calling for this convention to open up the constitution to added amendments have rejected any of what is going on, how many have completely rallied against the PPACA?”  None and that is one reason why to not open the constitution to debate or added amendments, because it won’t achieve anything.

“Freedom of Association, Exchange and behavior, without coercion.”

“Liberty is dangerous to government.”

“Don’t tell this to CNN but how you feel has no bearing on the truth of the story.”

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