Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wow I like that bumper sticker bro!
I’m going to make this one short and easy. I have seen a lot of cars and trucks with the same bumper sticker. Stand Up for America, Be American! That’s great for a message; stand up for your country. But what are you doing. What actions have you taken? What have you done, or are doing right now to show that you are doing something to change the course of governmental action? Have you held or even attended a rally or event to show support or lack thereof of a certain cause. NDAA, Gun rights, Property Rights, Drones, Healthcare, anything? Have you taken to writing like I have to try to educate someone or to at least spread the message of freedom? Have you written or called your state or local representatives, senators, congressman or woman, mayor, county commissioners? Have you attended or head up any caucus groups in your local area? What have you done to show that you are standing up FOR AMERICA?
So what will it take for you to do something? 

What is the point of the stickers if there is no action to support  the words?

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