Friday, February 22, 2013

Truth Be Told

Truth is treason in the empire of Lies – Ron Paul
In the recent past that we have been exposed to truth tellers and wiki-leakers. The general consensus among the citizens of this country is that those who are out to expose lies and implicate wrong doing in our government are the scourge of the earth, they are traitors, enemies, demons, and above all else should be killed, not brought to justice, NO THEY WANT THEM DEAD! Now one caveat to this is that it is coming from both sides of the invisible and non-existent party line. The actions taken by those who wish to inform the public are in some forms peaceful and non-threatening, but as in the Chris Dorner case can become violent personal revolutions. What I want to explain in this is why we have an irrational fear of truth and how our government has brain washed and indoctrinated people to believe that truth is something to fear. They have killed some who wish to expose truths, and they have labeled those that believe them as TRUTHERS! Oh no people who want to know the truth, this can’t be, people not wanting to be lied to. So with all the lies, all the propaganda, all the deception, why do the majority want to persecute those brave enough to tell the truth, expose the lies, and pull the curtain back from in front of the string pullers and policy makers?  
With WikiLeak’s Julian Assange, he has been persecuted for trying to release information implicating government officials to what in the civilian world would be criminal. He has been vilified by international news sources, he has been chased and hunted by international law enforcement, and he has been labeled a sexual predator. Because of all of this he has been forced to seek asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He has recently made public his intentions to run as for office in Australia.  
Anonymous is organized chaos for law enforcement. With its structure with no leader it makes it difficult to pinpoint its source. In the past they have released info to the public regarding the affairs of our government and our media, they have exposed the atrocities that took place in Steubenville Ohio in 2012; they helped bring to light the suppression of truth by the local state and federal level media outlets. They have in the past released information mined from government agencies and released to the public.Their targets include the State Department, The Federal Reserve and countless other federal, state and local government agencies and departments.
Chris Dorner is the ex-LAPD officer accused of shooting LAPD officers as retribution for his release from the department. His release came as a result of an investigation into charges that his training officer had assaulted a man who had been handcuffed. This investigation is just one in a long line of inquiries of abuse of power and violence perpetrated by the badge wearers. Those responsible for this are safe from prosecution, being shielded behind their “THIN BLUE LINE” But the eyes of the public are on them constantly, all it takes is diligence on the citizens part to record these officers in their actions, remember it is not against any law to record the police in their duty, they may say it is but it is not. CopBlock and CopWatch are two groups that take this to heart and to action.
Bradley Manning has been held in confinement for well over 1000 days. What is His crime? Allegedly he was attempting to release info to Wiki-Leaks. His charges are conspiring to aid the enemy. One question? If Wiki-Leaks releases info to the citizens and Manning was trying to give them info to release to citizens, does that make the citizens the enemy of the United States? So for trying to do the right thing he has been subjected to detention without trial for 3 ½ years. He has been in isolation for much of this unwarranted incarceration. It is unclear if he is being tortured or mistreated by his capturers, but what is clear is that this type of incarceration is not constitutional and should be considered a violation of his constitutional rights as well as a violation of human rights.
These are only a few of these types of cases and in their own right the most infamous of them.

When truth becomes a reason to be detained or worse in this country you have to ask yourself why. Why are we so afraid of the truth, why do we allow ourselves to be fooled, deceived and outright lied to? Why do we not hold accountable those who tell us these lies?  George Orwell said “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”  It has become normal for these new era witch hunts. It has become acceptable to treat the truth as disease, or as a plague that will if released will destroy this false world. 
 Truth is treason in the empire of Lies – Ron Paul
It has become evident to me that America is that empire, and the truth has become treason. 

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