Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Balance of Power

     The President of the United States of America is a pretty important role, but why does it seem to many that he is the end all of the issues facing us today.  The Senate and the House or Representatives encompass a vastly larger role on decision making and policy making. So why is it that we put all the praise or in the case of the last 25 years all of the blame on the President?
     The House of Representatives is made up of Representatives of each state and the District of Columbia.There are currently 435 plus 6 non-voting member in the United States House of Representatives. That's a lot of opinions and requirements to shuffle through to ensure each state benefits from the laws, mandates and regulations set forth in each session. The power struggle between the parties keeps much of what could potentially be good legislature from passing, but on the same coin it can also be used to block very bad legislature from passing through too. The current numbers for each party are as follows: 255 Democratic Party members and 178 Republican Party members (two vacancies). So with the amount of voices and concerns deliberated in each session how does one negate the fact that these people are to be held responsible also for bad decisions and bad legislature being passed.
     But the House of Reps isn't the only stop on the Blame train, the Senate has the equal power to ratify bills and to draft new laws to be sent to the House and President for approval and veto for any reason. The Senate is made up of two Senators from each state regardless of population of that state. Again with these people supposedly working for the best interest of those they represent the idea that these law makers and politicians should be held accountable for their actions comes in view. Why is it that we are so quick to blame one man for the failure that could have been stopped or might have been started by others?
     The President is only one man but that does not exclude him from the ability to direct new laws and pass unconstitutional Executive Orders. the same process needs to be followed in all Branches of Government, when the President has the ability and authority to execute executive orders at will it leaves out the veto powers of the legislative and judicial branches of Government. In these cases full blame should be put upon the President. In cases where the proper steps have been followed and right paperwork filed and approved it is then up to the people of the country to call on their respective leaders to abolish, reconstruct, amend or nullify those laws which are dangers to the state and a country as a whole, they have a duty to act in order to retain the given power of our constitution and the maintain the power over government. For far too long now the people have forgotten that government is the servant to the citizens will not the other way around. It is time to hold those responsible accountable and those that wish to be a embarrassment to our constitutional republic shall be removed from power.

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