Monday, December 17, 2012

Ask yourself this question, If the Patriot Act was meant to stop this kind of thing from happening by spying on every American citizens and wiretapping their every call, rummaging through your emails both private and at work, if the bill that was supposed to stop things of this nature from happening, WHAT HAPPENED, WHY DID IT FAIL. It is because it was never about your safety, it has always been about the intrusiveness of it, it has been about their ability to monitor every person and have complete access to your most personal of files, pictures, videos, and all data contained on any hard drive anywhere. you gave up freedom for a false sense of safety and that my friends is a very dangerous slope to be on. Who knows when the next event like this will happen except those that plan them, whether that be a group of government officials and bureaucrats or the kid hoped up on drugs pushed by the big pharm companies.

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