Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Politics doesn't affect my Life"???

"Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts".- Patrick Henry.

"In the Age of Information, ignorance is a choice."- Danny Miller

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.  Martin Luther King Jr.

I do not understand people when they say that politics do not affect their lives. How can you say these words without the slightest idea of what you are saying. You are so uninformed on what our far reaching government has control over. Does the Education of your children concern you because that is run by the government. Does the price of the gas in your car to get to work affect you because the government affects the price of oil and gas, does the fact that when you get your paycheck the government has already taken a portion of your labor's worth out for themselves and then at the end of the year has the audacity to say you still OWE more. Do these things not affect your daily life? Does the fact that your child upon graduating from the government run education mill in the near future may be REQUIRED to join the military force, to go to another country and kill for the personal gains of crooked politicians and war mongering central banking corporations selling to both sides of the war.

Why will they not educate themselves on what is going on? As one person told me, " because some people do not want to know what is happening". Why? because its easier to blame someone else for your struggle than it is to take responsibility for it.  How long until you have to take responsibility for what you have NOT done, How long will it take, what will it take to wake you up to make an action in defense for yourself or your family? What has to happen, does it take your child coming home in a box with a flag that was made in China draped over it. Will it take you being monitored daily by a central government intelligence agency with a RFID implanted in your hand?

Why will you not listen to those of us who are willing to educate you and help you see the lies, the treason, the misinformation, the indoctrination of the youth, the relentless assault on our personal liberties and freedoms. We that have seen this coming are looking for those people out there who are starting to wake from their slumber and help you to see what can be done to get our country back. JOIN US.

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”  Thomas Jefferson

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