Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/11 truth now.

Today is September 11 2012, 11 years since the fateful day when nearly 3,000 Americans were murdered. And you think you know what happened, do you? What if everything you have been told was a lie, misinformation,deception for unclear gains? What happens when you see the truth and what would your actions be?

It could have been your government. The United States Government has the capabilities and resources to pull it off, you have to agree on that point. We're not even going into the hard scientific evidence proving that Towers 1 and 2 fell at free fall speeds, which is an impossibility, we're not going into the fact that Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, fell hours after the towers,. We will not go into the fact that the Pentagon, one of the most secure installations in the world, we could only get 3 frames of video, none of which show any resemblance of an airplane in them, or the fact that all CCTV recordings from the area were confiscated by the government and have never been made public. We will not go into the Shanksville, PA crash site, where there were no bodies recovered, no wreckage recovered and the size of the crater in the ground is far too small to say a plane hit there. And of the 4 supposed planes that went down that day not a single, nearly indestructible always recoverable flight data recorders AKA Black boxes were EVER recovered. All of the facts and more are seen by those of us awake enough to look for it, those of us who want real answers to the questions of Who really did it, and more importantly to me Why?

The why is always the question that I like to have answered because it gives insight into the event, why did something happen and what can we learn from it? Why did our government waste no time to cover this up and at times tried to cover up something that was planned but hadn't happened yet, BBC reported building 7 falling hours before it had really fell. Why did they cover up the health risks involved for those volunteers at ground zero, why did they cover up the pentagon events, taking all recording of the area and never releasing them, what was on those tapes that incriminated them, was it really a plane like they said or was it a missile or even a larger drone type aircraft that hit the building like so many people believe. What benefits could there possibly have been to let all of this to happen, well take this into consideration, Dick Cheney and his wife, were and still are, working for Lockheed Martin, the worlds top producers of war machines, planes, flight systems, weapon systems and more. They have made millions if not billions of dollars off of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. they make money killing innocent individuals and keeping national security and treasonous secrets, cushy job I'd say. And then we have George W Bush and the whole Bush Family, well they come from oil money and what do you need in war, well first you need fuel which comes from oil. Now if I had just started a war with two countries and wanted to line my wallet for when I was booted out of office I would make sure that the oil producers and refiners and suppliers were Bush owned companies, and that is what he did. He and his partners and family are still benefiting off of this.

Why did we need heroes? Shanksville PA, was an attempt to give us hope and tie faces and voices into the mix of emotions that people of the day had. We had heroes, people who took a stand to man with box cutters, that's the official story right, box cutters? Why did we need them, because people were more accepting of going into a war to get retaliation and revenge. But what if it was all a hoax, what if the recordings of telephone calls made by people alleged to be in the plane, were just that recordings made to call various numbers all at once and recorded by people of the government.

So what happens when the truth comes out, if it ever does? What will be your reaction, Fear? Violence? Hate for your Leaders, Anger? Compliance? What will my reaction be if I'm wrong? Well I hope I am wrong I hope that none of this really happened.But think about what happens if you are wrong. It was all a lie, deception and misinformation perpetrated by your government to lull this country into an unconstitutional war spending trillions of dollars. Just think about what you would do if you found out it has been 11 years of useless lies and murder.

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