Monday, May 19, 2014

Are you really being Represented?

Do you feel that those Senators, Representatives and Presidents holding office and making decisions for 317 million people have your best interests in mind?

Do you think they are representing you in the best possible way?

I asked these questions to a co-worker the other day. His response was a shoulder shrug and a somewhat resentful "No, Not really".

So in response I said, "So why do you continue to support a system that you admit is faulty?"

He gave me the greatest response, the most thought out response I could asked for..... Are you ready for it????

"It's the best system we have."


In the call for representation many people lose the fact that the representation they seek should not diminish the accountability and responsibility of those they place in their steed.

In a series of questions I will ask Are you really being represented, Are these the opinions and actions you would have taken had you no person claiming to represent you? Are these all things you would have imposed onto your neighbors and friends, your family and co-workers?

Would you impose the collection of information and communications of the worlds citizens?

Would you impose to extort those you love and those you do not know of the money they have earned?

Would you use that extorted money to send to others, to disperse to others?

Would you imprison others for growing a plant?

Would you restrict the travels of individuals based on regulations, restrictions and rulings that limit and inhibit individual rights?

Would you station your own rule enforcers on other people properties?

Would you use force to extract resources on others properties in order to run monopolies in your own favor?

Would you vow to imprison individuals that spoke out against your will and actions?

More questions to ponder...

As individuals living in a cooperative state, without the central plans and impositions of a government would the limitless and ever expanding regulations and stipulations that hinder and starve out the peaceful lives of others be so extensive?

Would the type of fear filled world, the extensive violations of the natural rights of those individuals be so wide spread?

Would we, as individuals, impose these same rules that the select few of self important leeches of public funding that are reinforced and reconstituted by ignorant and indoctrinated mass of loyal followers?

Can a better world be viable, is it possible without these so called representations of democratic rule, the will of a majority by the silence of the minority?

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