Thursday, July 25, 2013

"If you Don't like it here, why don't you just leave?"

           This is one of those sayings that irks me to no end. And I get this quite often. The reason it annoys me so much is the sheer idiocy of the commentator.

The idea behind a comment like this is that "if you cannot be happy the way it is than you can just leave, find somewhere better I dare you". What is implied in this comment is that "I am very pleased with the course of events and I intend to not try to change anything about the present situation, If you feel you cannot bear it any longer please remove yourself from it, though I do not think you will find any better situations anywhere in the world".

The implied message is the part that annoys me. How can you sit there and tell me I should leave if I do not like the way things are, No! I want things to get better, I don't want to struggle anymore, I do not want to be restricted anymore, I want to live MY life the way I see fit. To hell with YOUR government, if you need a slave master fine but DO NOT push servitude on me.

The way I see things going right now, those that clamor for security are already fitted with the chains of slavery. Taxes, Business Regulations, Unjust Laws, Licenses, Procedures, Approval requests, Permits, it all leads us right back to being subservient to the state. Both major political parties are working in concert to make this happen, it is a useless notion to think you can vote your way back to freedom and there are too many people  not willing to fight for their own much less anyone else. It has become a nation not of sheep, but of lambs.

Stay if you will, Titanic is up to the propellers and sinking fast. I'm ditching this sinking socialist cesspool as fast as possible.

There are those that will say that it is giving up to leave, and you know I just do not subscribe to that idea. Look at it as Darwinism, only the strongest survive, and only the smartest will recognize the dangers in staying here.

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