Monday, January 7, 2013

Who Watches The Watchmen?

I was having a debate with a friend of mine the other day and we got into the issue of refusal to obey state and federal legislation at the point of a gun. He argued that if the state was there to serve a state function it was in the right, my argument was that if the state was there for a state function within the restrictions and confines of constitutional law and order there should be no problem, but that when the force used against myself is in conflict with those constitutional principles I would in all cases refuse, and by force if necessary. The argument went further into the act of arming yourself against the officer or law enforcement agencies. As I see it if an officer has a weapon pointed at me he is threatening my life and liberty, number one gun safety rule DO NOT POINT YOUR GUN AT ANYTHING YOU DO NOT INTEND TO SHOOT. If said officer is not relating this threat as a protection of his life, and has been proven his reason for being there is in violation of law or constitutional principle, the course of action for myself is to remove the threat as to not be threatened any longer.
The act or even the thought of having to protect yourself or others from the law enforcers who are supposed to protect and serve their community is hard to comprehend for others. My thought process on this is that as a human being we have the ability, thought, decision, and duty to protect one’s life and liberty from all threats, regardless of their official capacity. The sheepish nature of the mass of people would inhibit them from protecting themselves from the tyrannical governments of the past and the one emerging in the not so far future. The natural instinct to protect themselves has been subsided by fear of their government, the fear of being ostracized by their peers and the fear of retribution and destruction by those who they call their government. Their arrogance that the state or federal law enforcers would be and are there for their protection, their misunderstanding of the purpose of law enforcers at the local and state levels and the way they will bow down in most cases to federal law is a hard fact and it should be dealt with soon. The more people that know and the faster we can distribute the information to those people the better off the whole of our society would be.
Now you may say to yourself that this concept is a bit too far and that the premise which I base my decisions on has never or will never happen. That assessment would be wrong, the fact is that police do abuse their power and assert their power unnecessarily; unjustified force advancement is a far too common problem with our current police forces all over this nation. The way in which the majority of officers act is disgraceful to their position and is a clear indicator of which way our society will proceed in the future. The ever encroaching police state of this country will leave no room for the in-betweens, the undecided, the fence sitters. You will have to either bow down to the force applied from the federal or state governments, even if they are in violation to the constitution or a violation of human rights and rule of law or you will have to become the enemy of the state, a thorn in the side of law enforcers. You will have to become the shield for your family and friends and you may have to protect those same with force applied. I never discourage the right to bear arms and in this case all that I can say is that in times of great despair and greater threats to life, property and liberty, force of arms has shown to be the only true blockade to the advancement of tyranny.
Live Free
Check out these videos and news stories for a better understanding that police are not your protectors.

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