Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty really something to fear in America

As I sat and watched the news coming in from New York in late November 2012 I was amazed that our nation’s leaders were so open and accepting of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. I thought “what are they trying to do to our 2nd amendment and why is no one stopping them”?  It didn’t take long for the National Rifle Association and other prominent Firearm enthusiast’s publications and groups to demonize the Treaty without ever opening a single document from the U.N. But what are they so afraid of happening and is it all bunk?
When you read the actual treaty being discussed the majority of it is to combat the illicit trade and transfer of weapons to various countries. The treaty is to insure that countries on the African continent cannot easily acquire weapons to commit human trafficking, kidnapping, rape, pillaging and forced child labor violations that have been prevalent across Africa. It is to combat the black market sales of tanks, aircraft, missiles, anti-aircraft munitions and small arms to countries that have in the past shown to be in favor of brutality and immorality. It is in essence to keep the peace by keeping the pieces.
So what does it mean to America? Well if we are to go by the United Nations written treaty, this on the surface wouldn’t affect us at all. But if you pull back the curtain and reveal the true nature of the beast, it is a clear victory of legislation for the United States of America. You see America is one of the most deceitful countries when it comes to Arms Trade violations, we have learned over the years how not to get caught doing what we do best. We have the capabilities to run weapons and ammunition to bordering countries as we have seen in the Fast and Furious scandal. But that isn’t the first time we have furthered the advancement of militants and their regimes. Al-Qaeda was created by the United States Central Intelligence Agency to help the Afghan people repel the advancement of Soviet Forces coming from Russia. We supplied the arms, ammunition and training of these currently named “terrorist” groups.
What happens if America is cut off from arms trade from other countries? This is my interpretation of what could happen and it really isn’t bad. If America were to be cut off from foreign arms it would generate jobs and manufacturing in the states, suddenly we could compete internally with American made weapons easily accessible to all citizens. We could in theory gain and substantial job growth and employment numbers would rise; better economic reasons to say yes to the Arms Trade Treaty.
I am in no way in support for the United Nations in any aspect of world control or international peace-keeping. I see the United Nations as a waste of valuable America resources, both monetarily and militarily. My opposition of their policy and procedures does not cloud the fact that until our policy makers are convinced of the mal-investment in the United Nations we are under their control. For better or worse we have to be informed on the forced legislation being passed in the name of security.

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