Monday, November 19, 2012

The Debt of Wealth

     Wealth is what everyone wants but few can acquire, true wealth does not come from material things or vast accumulation of money, true wealth can be secured by various means and in different ways, but the fact of the matter is this, the Federal Reserve notes that we as Americans are forced to use are based on debt. For every Federal Reserve note that is created we are put into further debt, every note created must be paid back with interest. Just as most credit card companies use interest to make a profit for every dollar of your debt, so does the Federal Reserve. With the interest going strictly to profits the Federal Reserve is making money off of making money but that’s not the end. The Federal Reserve also sets interest rates and cause inflation, what this does is force product prices to rise and your note worth less, then you are forced to “need” more Federal Reserve notes to survive the inflation they created therefore creating more notes to tack interest on to. Sneaky isn’t it? And to think you have allowed it all since 1913.
     The creation of debt in your life starts the minute you get a credit card or loan, even debit cards and bank accounts can be a form of debt. When you get your first credit card you feel as though you have unlimited amounts of money, but that’s just not the case. Every time you use that card you are expanding debt, because that card is not money it is a representation of money with interest owed when used. When you extend your credit to the point of exhaustion of a credit line you are in unbearable debt, for every dollar you have spent you will now repay that amount plus interest, at a high enough interest rate you are in an inescapable hole. A loan is the same as a line of credit from a credit card company; they have allowed you to use their money with a promise to repay with an added interest for using that money. A bank account or debit card can even be forms of debt if you are paying for the privilege of using that account or card; you are paying for permission to use a service.
     So can you build wealth with a monetary system that is based on debt and controlled by the Federal Reserve? In a nutshell, NO. The ability to create wealth is inherent on the money or currency used being valued based on something of worth or value, thin air is not valuable but hard metal assets  such as gold and silver are. With a valued metal resource the value of the money would be set by weights and measures. Wealth cannot be obtained by the usage of currency that can be inflated and devalued at will; the usage of a debt based currency will never afford its collectors and protectors any form of wealth.  The usage of debt based currency has in the past been shown to fail every time.
     How do we really acquire wealth? I don’t know that we can in the environment and society that we live in. To rid ourselves of the Federal Reserve would only be a start, getting ourselves back to hard metal assets backed currency would be helpful, but I feel that it truly would take the mass of people to WANT to be educated in the ways of government corruption and unconstitutional direct taxation. The creation of true wealth will be in personal value of items and skills, the value of these would be set by the individual, and in essence everyone has a vast amount of potential wealth depending on their idea of value.  If such a day ever comes that we were not forced to use a fiat currency as the means of purchase of everyday goods we as Americans could acquire true wealth. First we must stop the disease not simply treat the symptoms.

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