Friday, August 30, 2013

On the Side of Truth

      Documents and information released by Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange have had mixed reactions across the globe, but most noticeably in the United States. There is a wanting for the hard truth and then there is the wanting of the comforting lie. It is quite interesting to see the clashes between these two groups. On the side of the truth-tellers you have the youth, you have the ones longing to put a stop to out of control government and its policing of the world, you also have the anti war groups, regardless of their party affiliations. On the opposite end are those wishing to remain ignorant of the facts, those that wish to not know so that they do not have to seem to care of such things. Those that believe the lies even in the face of the truth.

     Defense of the truth, however uncomfortable it is comes with a certain hate by those who wish to remain aloof of the acts. The argument is that we deserve to know the truth and we have a right to know what is being done in our good names and with our hard earned dollars. The right to demand the truth is one that gets lost with the translations of our country's documents. The constitution does not lay out that we have this right and neither does the Declaration of Independence, but of course these document do not GIVE us any rights. No our rights are inherent on being alive on this earth. Now yes we have constitutionally protected rights, but those are protected, not given. So do we deserve the truth? I like to say yes. The government was created to be the servant of the people and not the other way around. It is merely the social structure of imposing the will of the masses over the liberty of the individual. It has become evidently clear that it's role as the protector of liberty is long gone and it new self imposed role as the worlds next great empire is in full force.

     The facts and revelations of the "Leaks" have been caught in a vacuum of  media misinterpretations and the very dismissal of civil rights of those the US government has deemed a "threat to national security". At this point everyone who questions the role and procedure of this government is a threat to it. But because we demand the truth does not mean they will ever give it to us. They have their ways around this. Freedom of Information act requests were created to shine a light of transparency of this system of lies, but in the past few years the requests have gone unanswered or simply denied. This is not shocking knowing what the potential effects of releasing this type of information into the general population could and would do to the integrity of the government seen by those who deem it necessary. It would create the effect of exactly what needs to happen, a massive uprising of the citizens and the crumbling of this false empire. It would set into motion the very acts that government was created to conquer, self ownership and self governance, community, and charity.

     The information being released is and has been justified in the minds of millions. "Collateral Damage" and "Costs of War" are the two most common used excuses for the mayhem and carnage they have broadcast to these other nations. We have used Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) to target entire cities, knowing full well there were no "threats" there. One of the videos obtained by Bradley Manning shows the crew of an Apache Helicopter piloted by two American troops killing around 12 Afghan people, two of which were found to be journalists from Reuters. Along with these killings the Apache airmen targeted a rescue vehicle as they tried to help the survivors of the first air attack, now killing two small children. IS this the kind of "collateral" we should be proud of? Is this the kind of world we should be presenting to our future generations.
                                "Collateral Damage to one person is a Dead Family member to another"

      As George Orwell put it," In times of Universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
It was revolutionary to hold this monstrosity accountable and it will take nothing less than the personal and individual revolution inside every one of us to realize that the actions of this government have for too long oppressed the lives and personal freedom of not only our country but the world. We have allowed this empire to dictate what truth will be heard, if any. We have allowed this Government to take away independent thought, the freedom of speech and the very sacred truth. It is past time to reverse course.

                 Demand the answers, demand the truth, demand accountability, demand justice.

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