Monday, October 1, 2012

How did we get here and how do we get back?

     How did we become a nation that allows the invasion of privacy by our government, how did we become a nation that allows our president to have an assassination list that includes American citizens, how did we become a nation that is materialistic in nature and hell bent on consumption and replacement? How did we become a nation that allows our economy to be determined by an individual institute with no government oversight? How did we become complacent and apathetic to our lawmakers. How did we become a nation that allows our government to FORCE us into a healthcare system that we do not want. When did they take the power from the people and why have we not done anything about it?
     This country has become complacent on government intervention at every level of our personal lives. They decide how much money you WILL give them, they decide what foods you will eat and who will grow and govern your food source. They control the insurance system, the monetary system the educational system, the transportation system, they control everything. We are no longer free to live our lives without interference. We have become slaves to the federal government, we work they take a percentage of pay for your privilege to live here. It has become a Big Brother state right under our noses. This didn't happen overnight, this was slow and deliberate. Why do we allow them to educate our children with lies and misinformation, why have we given up our rights to dignity when we travel and subject ourselves to molestation by federal officials, Why have we allowed them to poison our foods and send us to government run health facilities with our government run insurance, why in the hell haven't we stood up to this yet? We have rolled over and allowed the boots of tyranny and oppression to stand on our throats. We have allowed all of this to happen to us and it's time to say NO MORE.
     In countries around the world people are rising up against their government, speaking out against the corruption they have been witness to, taking action to restore and ensure their liberties and state of being. So I ask you, Why have we, as Americans, not done the same? Why have we allowed them to push a corrupt two party system. Why must we choose between 2 people, with 225 million people in America, why only two? You literally have a 2 in 225 million chance of becoming President in America. The truth is you have more choices then they allow you to know, why will they only allow 2 to be known, because both parties represent the same banks, corporations, and special interest groups. Because they push the same agenda year after year and election after election, because they think you are that stupid to believe it, and you know what , the majority of people in America are really that stupid. Why have you let this slide for this long, why have you sentenced America to fail? Truth be told you are the problem, but you are also the solution. You hold the power to change the course of events that will unfold in the coming years. You have the power right now to voice your opinion and to educate the people around you, to spread the message. You have that power, and if one person has that power, imagine if 100 people had that power, what about 1000 people wielding the power of truth. Truth is everyone in America has the power, they are just too apathetic to use it, They have become complacent in their lives. They have become dependent on Big Government to take care of them and to help make decisions for them. Free thoughts are a thing of the past, you are not allowed to speak out against your leaders, or else be labeled a terrorist or even worse to some a conspiracy theorist. It may be a conspiracy but not necessarily theory.
     I talk to you now in a time of danger and uncertainty, we must wage the war on the government, we must take back what is rightfully ours, we should stand tall and tell our captors NO MORE! We must once again have a revolution in America. Every American should remember what our first revolution was being fought for, freedom and liberty from a tyrant hundreds of miles away. Our ancestors fought and died for an ideal, a better world for their children and grandchildren, and I say to you now that we must do the same if we are to restore our once great nation to it's glory and it's status as the home of freedom. We know the way, but have become lost along the way, we must find our true path to freedom once again. Release your chains of servitude and stand against the Giant that we have created, Fellow patriots stand with me and we can win this war, we can have our freedom and live life as we see fit for generations to come.

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