
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Facebook Statuses from last week

If you don't follow me on FaceBook you aren't seeing all the other content I put up. Stories shared from some of the greatest Activist, Instructors, think Tanks and Institutions as well as the original content from myself and friends. I very on topics and I wanted to throw these two status updates from last week up here for you all to see.

The first is on the Government's ability to punish individuals with death for crimes which "they" were not harmed and does not take into account the personal wishes of the actual victim(s).

"The State should have no authority to execute punishment for a crime that they themselves were not victim to. While the State does authorize itself to do so the many state supporters (tax payers) are first forced to house, feed and maintain and secondly are forced again to afford the actual act of killing the person, also again without being victimized by this person themselves. It is a great folly that in our present society we not only condone the state to take the lives of people but that many rejoice in that knowledge and feel comfortable in its continued funding by coercion." 9/23/14

The other was actually a response to a post by a friend asking about "Fair or Living Wages"
Since neither of those terms of objective and clearly definitive between all people the issue is not able to be decided by arbitrary numbers being mandated by government decrees.

"There is no such thing as a "fair" wage. Since all value is subjective and fairness and wages are calculated by value it stands that no matter what the case, that "fair" value is mandated not by the subjective thought but from objective mandate. Secondly, with the use of mandated minimum wage laws it is a coerced action to require a person to give a portion of their own wealth or profit to the other not based on performance but on an outside measure of "need" or "want" therefore negating any possibility of "fairness"." 9/23/14

if you would like to follow me on Facebook I have both a Personal account and an account just for the blog. I would ask though that if you decide to friend request me on the personal account, leave me a message saying that you saw this post and wanted to connect. It will make it easier to weed through the crazy amount of requests I do get.  You can also connect on Twitter by clicking here.


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