
Friday, June 6, 2014

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Were you ever told that money does not grow on trees? I was. As a kid I would yell and complain to try and get my parents to buy me something I wanted at the moment, their quick response most of the time was exactly that. Money Does Not Grow On Trees. And for the longest time I believed that adage. I held that as an incontestable truth, deeper study into economics brought me out of this confusion though.

Money is a tool; it is used in transactions between people. It is nothing more than what one individual has and what another will accept. To say it more simply if a man grows oranges and wishes to purchase new machinery, if the seller of the machinery accepts oranges in trade for the machines, oranges have been used as money. A facilitator of trade does not need to be a state sponsored or approved piece of paper or coin, it can be and is anything that one person holds as more valuable than what he is offering.
Money comes in all shapes.

Oranges, Peaches, Plums… You name it and it can be taken as a form of money. 

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