
Monday, May 12, 2014

#Hashtag Hypocrisy

This week the newest case of kidnapping for human trafficking and sex trades took place in Nigeria. It seems the world over people are calling for the return of these girls. Even First Lady Michelle Obama has taken to social media to call for the return of these kidnapped Nigerians and to bring notice to the underground world of the child sex trade and human trafficking. Using the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls she has contributed her image to this cause.

Now she isn’t the first and she will not be the last to use this tag. Other well-known people (I dare not call her a celebrity) have started their own campaigns and contributed to other for this same issue. This newest campaign hit the internet and the public have used this to turn the images into a campaign calling on the hypocrisy of the First Lady and the Whitehouse. Using this image in particular the results have been a barrage of anti-war and anti-Obama coming from Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites. It is a glaring reminder of the wartime hypocrisy of Washington and of this administration in particular. Thousands die as victims of the United States drone warfare program, yet there are no celebrities speaking out, none would dare make a sign to call on the President to end the careless and immoral killing of Middle eastern men, women and children.

Those in Washington and those in Hollywood that are contributing to this campaign are in stark contrast to what the true message should be, in this case, It doesn’t matter if you are a Nigerian school girl or a Middle Eastern Child you should not be subjected to these horrors of man. This is not to say that one be more important than the other but rather to say that they are in my mind the same. We cannot be the moral hero’s in one country while continuing our programs of murder and destruction in another. The moral line is drawn and we wait with baited breath for those that are in power to use that power to truly make a difference. If we are to say that one particular group of people or even one person is more valuable as a human than another, this world is in serious trouble.

Hashtags will not save lives. It takes action and in this case I feel we will see this action, misguided and misused as it will be, we will subject an entire nation to the use of force the United States is known for. Drone strikes, thousands of troops, destroyed towns and cities, rebuilding programs and heaps of financial aid plundered from the people of one country to give to the government of another. This year’s Kony Campaign will end in the same way. The only results will be wasted time, money and resources.

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