
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Progression of ideology is not always a bad thing.

There has been a lot of flak thrown at political leaders, pundits and candidates who have switched positions on issues. For some this is seen as pandering or not sticking to morals or beliefs. What if it is just a new understanding or a new way of thinking of that issue that has brought on a progression or change of ideology? The progression of ideas and ideology could be caused by a very serious revelation on the way a certain issue helps, hurts, or affects people or things. This should not be shunned but embraced as a new education of that matter has taken place. Maybe the new understanding by this person is not the way you see it but that is no reason to denounce the changing of beliefs.

Many of the people I associate with are Libertarians or at the very least have a understanding of the fight for liberty, regardless of political lines. Where most Libertarians get a little off track is to denounce the act of switching stances on issues as they forget that they also have done this in the past. Did you always have the belief that the government was the antithesis of freedom? Did you always believe the current wars in foreign lands were unjustified and immoral? Did you always believe the Federal Reserve to be the biggest threat to the economy? Chances are you didn't, but through reading, researching and gaining new information you came to those beliefs. You changed your beliefs based on new revelations or information.

You see it is not always a bad thing that someone changes their mind on issues. The speed that they move is of little importance also, as if there is a willingness to learn and to progress you now have the opportunity to help them see what you see, help them learn the way you learned. That is a great accomplishment and needs to be praised.

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