Friday, January 31, 2014

The Meteor Metaphor

Unemployment, poverty, inflation, interest rates, debt, world wide currency crisis; all symptoms of one disease, yet hardly anyone calls for its removal. It is strange that so much can be affected by one entity, one institution, yet not too much is discussed on the way to remove the parasite and begin the treatment towards healing.
So why are so many interested in these symptoms? Are they important? Yes they are. Are they shrinking? No, Not in the slightest. So what are we doing to rid the body of the infection? Why are we merely wiping up blood, instead of closing the wound?

Talking to someone recently about this issue I used a metaphor for this dilemma: The Meteor. 

When we see meteors from earth we see a tail of fire and smoke, a bright streak hurling itself towards the earth. This tail is what everyone is looking at, mainly because it is what grabs your attention and awareness. The tail is where all of these issues lie. You can see the increase of poverty, just drive past your local shelter or soup kitchen. You can see the increase in Unemployment, simply visit the unemployment office. You can even see inflation by going to your local grocery store, what did your bread and milk cost only 6 months ago? But all of these are only the effects of something bigger.

What is unseen with the meteor? What is the cause of the fire and smoke? What is leading the way?
Yes, the rock itself. The actual meteor, the hard matter that is entering the atmosphere and causing the bright streak of flames. Looking at it this way, what is the cause to the rise in unemployment, inflation and poverty?.....
It's not the increase spending, It's not a lack of revenue. These are just two more effects of bad monetary policy. When the currency is weak everything else will follow. Now here in America we have a centralized banking system, The Federal Reserve, which is the leading cause of our domestic monetary strife.

The Federal Reserve was given authority to be the originator of domestic loans in 1913. It has overseen the creation of new currency, it has been the bearer of artificially low interest rates and has even been responsible for the devaluation of the National currency since its creation. The Federal Reserve is a special kind of institution, it is not federal, though it's name would imply it was, and has immunity to federal oversight. It's "job" is to facilitate the nations debt by issuing credit to the government and then selling that debt to foreign and domestic investors and speculators. A caveat to all of this is these special loans given to the American Government are paid back with the revenue, with interest added of course, collected from the incomes of all working citizens. 

The real Mass of the problem, the meteor, isn't the unemployment, inflation, or poverty, it is a system that has debased, devalued and manipulated our national currency to the point of exhaustion. While everyone is staring at the bright lights, the meteor is continuing it's course to ruin us all!

Fix the Money, and we can start to Fix the problems.

So how do we fix it? The course of action must include the abolition of the Federal Reserve. This needs to be done not through government action but through individuals finding ways to make their currency obsolete, to go around the Federal Reserve. Emerging digital currencies like BitCoin, WorldCoin and AltCoin along with neighborhood or local based currencies like the Long Island Buck being the newest way to do this. . This would end the mandatory obligation to accept their  fiduciary notes of debt; this would return us to a natural trade system where individuals would negotiate the terms of trade, credit and payments. This is not to say that money would not come about in a natural way, but it would be only a tool to facilitate trade between consenting partners and not mandated acceptance. 

Wake up before we wind up like this.

1 comment:

JAG_KILROY said...

I kind of liked the Meteor Metaphor; however I am not sure I agree that what is stated as the cause is completely correct. I think to some degree to much credit is given to the government for the condition of the common citizen. All thought the things that are pointed out here are true and they are in the tail of the Meteor as the Metaphor would suggest. I am not sure the Federal Reserve or our currency is to blame.
I believe it is the citizens that are the problem. More to the point it’s the education of the citizen that is the root of most all the problem. If properly educated and learned there would be no reason to allow things like the Federal Reserve to exist. Poverty for most is a product of decision making for the individual. There are of course exceptions to the rule. But a properly educated individual who is motivated would not see a long life of poverty. When I say poverty I mean really poverty not what Americans have redefined it to be in today’s world.
Inflation would and will exist no matter the currency. As long as there is more than one individual in need of a product the opportunity for inflation is there. Government only has the control of inflation because of a lack of education of the citizens, but even if the Government was disbanded inflation would still occur among the populist.
Unemployment seems to be a product of not just the government but it population as well. Supply and demand can be just as affected without a government being involved. Even If you could get rid of the feds and government and abandon all current rules you would still have unemployment. Why? Some people just don’t want to work, some people can’t work. So the control again to me seem to be controlled most by the citizens because they have not educated themselves in a manner that would afford them a job or make themselves of value to an employer.
So not to get to long winded on this topic which I can agree with some of the points I blame the citizens.
If you have done nothing to educate yourself on the effects of a Meteor then it really does not matter if you’re watching the tail or the rock. Both will destroy you and your way of life if nothing is done to stop it.