
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Free Flow of Information Act?

The Free Flow of Information Act of 2013 being pushed by Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Shumer seeks to define who is and is not protected under the Constitutional amendment protecting the right to free speech. Its purpose is to quiet the swell of leaked information involving the United States Government in an international espionage network and the gathering of information from damn near every human on the planet.

This bill, if passed, will give the congress the authority to extend protection of free speech to only those they deem useful and thereby destroying the inherent right to free speech to the citizens. This is in response to the overwhelming information coming from Edward Snowden, Julian Assange And Bradley Manning who is currently serving a 35 prison sentence for divulging war crimes committed abroad.

So what does this bill do to the average Blogger? Or how about journalists such as Glen Greenwald, which is the only mouthpiece of Edward Snowden, who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, what will this do to them?

The Free Flow of Information Act is a bill designed for anything but its stated title.

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