
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Who is to blame for a government shutdown?

     Of course this is a simple question and it's answer even more so. Democrats blame Republicans, and vice versa, but who is it really to blame? Honestly they are both to blame.

     Both have shown an unwillingness to scale back spending, both have increased the burden and theft of taxation upon the citizens of this country and both have refused to recognize this problem for what it is.

     It is not subject to explanation that in the course of the last 200 years Americans have enjoyed the hell out of getting their all too important "Free Lunch" and it serves well that now in the wake of one of the largest bouts of unemployment the boundaries have been hit, there simply is not enough money to give them their undue wants. Even with the massive haul the government takes in through legalized plunder they label taxation, there simply isn't enough putting into the system for those that take from it.

     One key aspect to the GIANT amount of spending comes from the United States interventionist foreign policy. Spending trillions yearly to advance the empire of American influence into every crevice of the world.

     Another aspect of the current situation is the new healthcare provisions and exchanges are set to roll out in a matter of weeks. With some, I use the term economists very cautiously, labeling this new debacle the financial meltdown point that we may not recover from anytime soon.

     Is it only the Government's fault that we are here? To say so is foolish and naive.

     I believe that is ultimately the people who have failed. Failed to right the situation. Failed to recognize the system that enslaves them. Failed to react to the clear threat of terrorism that is the United States government.

     Now, what Senator Ted Cruz from Texas showed last week is that DC isn't listening to their slaves, Now imagine that! Senator Cruz I will warn you now, that rhetoric is not gaining you any influence in the government, but it is slowly gaining a following with the flock.

     SO whats the solution, that is what everyone is looking for right? It can be explained simply. Stop wanting the handouts, subsidies and special rules. Stop allowing wars and military occupations to continue to drain the coffers of the hard earned money of our people. End the Central Bank that is devaluing our currency and causing inflation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Free Flow of Information Act?

The Free Flow of Information Act of 2013 being pushed by Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Shumer seeks to define who is and is not protected under the Constitutional amendment protecting the right to free speech. Its purpose is to quiet the swell of leaked information involving the United States Government in an international espionage network and the gathering of information from damn near every human on the planet.

This bill, if passed, will give the congress the authority to extend protection of free speech to only those they deem useful and thereby destroying the inherent right to free speech to the citizens. This is in response to the overwhelming information coming from Edward Snowden, Julian Assange And Bradley Manning who is currently serving a 35 prison sentence for divulging war crimes committed abroad.

So what does this bill do to the average Blogger? Or how about journalists such as Glen Greenwald, which is the only mouthpiece of Edward Snowden, who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, what will this do to them?

The Free Flow of Information Act is a bill designed for anything but its stated title.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mentally Blocked

For the past few weeks I have been somewhat blocked as to my writing. I cannot seem to focus enough attention to any issue to make a coherent post. They say it is better to write about not being able to write than to not write at all and this is what I am attempting now. It may be seen as just the ramblings of an stretched mind and even further stretched spirit. I have no idea in what direction to head or in what context to write.

I could do a piece on the ending of Prohibition coming with the Department of Justice refusing to sue states that allow recreational usage of Marijuana, I was looking into doing a short article on the defense of Miley Cyrus in the Libertarian creed of personal choice and responsibility. I had a mostly complete post on the Syrian conflict but decided it has been over played and is somewhat ridiculous to even mention anymore.
I thought of the social sciences behind the political party system, just couldn't put that frustration into words.

I seem to have hit a wall and am searching for the way over or around. I have spent most of my time trying to read, to learn, and understand varying topics but mostly the economic theories and sciences that rule our world. Even as insignificant as it may seem, economics plays a huge part in our daily lives and even our behavior and routines.

For now this is me asking for your patience and understanding in this time of mind numbing turbulence and an acute ineptitude to release thoughts to words. I thank every single reader, and am grateful that you have read my thoughts, as seemingly insignificant as I may seem I hope that you have taken something from my thoughts and my words.

 If there is an issue or topic that you would like me to give an opinion on or to look into please comment and I will do my best to get it to you.