
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Prisoner Mentality

Why do we allow the minority of our elected officials to take away the rights of the majority? Why do we allow them to oppress us and make us live in unavoidable debt? Why do we allow them to silence our voices? Why do we allow this behavior and in a way encourage and reinforce this behavior through re-election? 

I have recently come up with my answer to this question. It is that we as Americans have adopted what I call the Prisoner Mentality. Let me explain what this means and the effects of continuation of this process. In a prison you have two groups, you have the majority which is the prisoners and then you have the minority, which are the enforcers. The enforcers only gain obedience through acts and means of force using weapons and intimidation. If the prisoners realize that they are the majority, they could revolt and take this prison over. It has happened in the past and will continue to happen in the future. What does it take for Americans to realize that the average citizen is the majority and our elected officials are the minority, the elected minority?
There is also self made restrictions and oppression. It’s said that if you tether an elephant to a stake in the ground from when they’re young, they will grow up believing that it’s useless to try to escape from the tether because they tried to do so once – when they were still young - and failed. You are then able to put a fairly flimsy rope around an adult elephant’s leg and tether it to a stake without it trying to break its bonds and escape.

That’s because it has grown up to believe that it will not be able to break free, so it never tries. And for the rest of its life, that elephant will live in a prison it created for itself.

When Nazi Germany had their Concentration camps and America had their Internment camps the ratio of prisoner to enforcer was upwards of 150 to 1 at times, why then did the oppressed not fight back. What was the reason for this? Is it Fear? Is it Apathy? What would have to happen before the prisoners would rise up against their captors? I think that we fear change in our politicians because we are apathetic to it all, if that makes any sense to you. Do we fear failure? Do we fear uncertainty if we succeed? Do we not care what happens to our children and grandchildren? Do we fear retaliation by our oppressors? We need not be afraid, but stand tall as free men and women knowing that our ancestors built this country up from nothing, and we can do it again if it came to it. We need to realize that what we do now will affect the future for decades and possibly millenia to come. Stand up and fight tyranny or die by its hands.

When our government passes laws that restrict or reduce the natural rights of man, it is our duty to act, to revolt. What changes happen if we sit idly by and allow ourselves to become slaves to a system that was designed to serve us? Why are there so many people not willing to escape their paper chains and riot against the establishment? What has to happen before the majority of the sheep have woken up and realized that they are being led down the wrong course, that they are being led to slaughter? When will we act?What has to occur before the true American spirit of freedom and liberty for all Americans has it reemergence in society?

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