
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Young Americans hold the key to PPACA

     As of October 1st 2013 the healthcare exchanges for the PPACA most commonly referred to as ObamaCare, are open for enrollment. Though with some snags in the tech department, most noticeably the website, live customer support chat and 1-800 number are all in a state of  defectiveness, leaving many wondering just how long until they would be able to log in.

     With the PPACA it is said that millions of uninsured Americans will have the opportunity to purchase healthcare insurance coverage. This is the first of many erroneous claims by supporters of the bill, so this will be the first issue I take up. Every person in this country has had the opportunity to purchase healthcare coverage, but due to restrictions and regulations set by the insurance providers themselves and the Federal Government they are turned away or coverage is made unaffordable or not valuable to them.

     The second claim is one that comes from the opposition of the bill. Many will say that the healthcare law is Socialist in nature, but I beg to differ. Defined, socialism is the equal distribution of goods regardless of production, want or need. To be fair in assessment I refer to the PPACA for what it should be labeled, National Healthcare Insurance Mandates. With the exemptions allowed by the law as well as the various tax breaks and benefits to be garnered by compliance, the equality has been removed from it. Some will gain exemption status and some will not, some will benefit from reduced taxation and again some will not.

     The PPACA has been set up under the same model as Social Security. With this I mean that the current generation enjoying their Social Security checks coming in rely, mostly unbeknownst to them, on younger workers putting into the system. As the older generations are now living longer and remaining in their jobs until a later age, job availability has been contracted, meaning the amount of money being put into the system is now less than the money being paid out, this leads to a very dangerous end result. With the PPACA modeling itself after this, it is inevitable they will fail in the same manner.

This only works if.....

At the recent Clinton Global Initiative former President Bill Clinton is quoted as saying this:
      "So, so far, it's good. but I think it's important for you to tell the people why we're doing all this outreach, because this only works if, for example, if young people show up, and even if they buy the cheapest plan, then they claim their tax credits so it won't cost them much $100 bucks a month or so. We've got to have them in the pools, because otherwise all these projected low costs cannot be held if older people with preexisting conditions are disproportionately represented in any given state. You've got to have everyone lined up."

So what does this mean to you? 

     It means as the young generation YOU are now in the position of power, the real power to change the course of American history. You have the power to stop the PPACA and kill any hope of it's return. As Bill Clinton said himself this only works if YOU show up.
     So is that the answer? To me this quote holds the key for YOU. Do not comply, do not show up, do not enroll. It is the only way to show who holds the future of this nation, YOU.