
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Rangel's Conscription

On February 15th 2013 New York Representative Charles Rangel entered H.R.747 and H.R.748 to be considered by Congress. This Bill would, if approved, would require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 to 25 to perform National service as a member of the uniformed service or as a civilian in Federal, State, or Local government.
The National Universal Service Act (H.R 747), also known as the "draft" bill, would require 30 million people in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 to perform two years of national service in either the armed services or in civilian life. It would build upon the community service infrastructure already in place such as the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps, as well as local initiatives such as NYC Serve. The National Universal Service Act was first introduced in 2003 at the height of protest against going to war with Iraq, and was reintroduced in 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2011.

Rangel's All American Selective Service Act (H.R. 748) would require women to enroll in the Selective Service System, which would double the number of registrants. The current law requires only men ages 18 to 25 to register, and there are approximately 13.5 million in the registry.

"Now that women can serve in combat they should register for the Selective Service alongside their male counterparts," said Rangel. "Reinstating the draft and requiring women to register for the Selective Service would compel the American public to have a stake in the wars we fight as a nation. We must question why and how we go to war, and who decides to send our men and women into harm's way." Charles Rangel
I see where Rangel is coming from; if more people were "forced into service" it would make them think twice about supporting a war. But think about this, the American people do not have a say in if we as a Nation go to war, that is left to those we call our representatives.
 What I purpose is this; we create a bill that would force all House of Representative members and Senate members’ children 18-25 to serve in active conflict zones for a minimum of two years. It would follow the same premise, if they had to think of their children dying in a conflict in which they have created, advanced or entered into, we quite possibly would have less military intervention that leads to conflicts and death of innocent people.
I don't want to force anyone into service as I see it as a form of slavery. But what this could do is turn the attention away from the distraction of using the citizens as cannon fodder until they become irate enough to demand less military intervention and instead turns the attention to those that have the most direct influence and actual vote and voice in the intervention and eventual wars and conflicts they create.

As always this is just my take on this issue and I am sure that some of you will disagree with my assessment on this, but what I want to say is this, if you wholeheartedly subscribe to Rangel's idea for these two bills I would suggest that you take a hard look at your family and decide which ones you can live without.Because if passed it is almost a certainty that one or more of your children will serve and die under this forced service in a war or conflict created by those whose children are safe and sound in their beds at night.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Truth Be Told

Truth is treason in the empire of Lies – Ron Paul
In the recent past that we have been exposed to truth tellers and wiki-leakers. The general consensus among the citizens of this country is that those who are out to expose lies and implicate wrong doing in our government are the scourge of the earth, they are traitors, enemies, demons, and above all else should be killed, not brought to justice, NO THEY WANT THEM DEAD! Now one caveat to this is that it is coming from both sides of the invisible and non-existent party line. The actions taken by those who wish to inform the public are in some forms peaceful and non-threatening, but as in the Chris Dorner case can become violent personal revolutions. What I want to explain in this is why we have an irrational fear of truth and how our government has brain washed and indoctrinated people to believe that truth is something to fear. They have killed some who wish to expose truths, and they have labeled those that believe them as TRUTHERS! Oh no people who want to know the truth, this can’t be, people not wanting to be lied to. So with all the lies, all the propaganda, all the deception, why do the majority want to persecute those brave enough to tell the truth, expose the lies, and pull the curtain back from in front of the string pullers and policy makers?  
With WikiLeak’s Julian Assange, he has been persecuted for trying to release information implicating government officials to what in the civilian world would be criminal. He has been vilified by international news sources, he has been chased and hunted by international law enforcement, and he has been labeled a sexual predator. Because of all of this he has been forced to seek asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He has recently made public his intentions to run as for office in Australia.  
Anonymous is organized chaos for law enforcement. With its structure with no leader it makes it difficult to pinpoint its source. In the past they have released info to the public regarding the affairs of our government and our media, they have exposed the atrocities that took place in Steubenville Ohio in 2012; they helped bring to light the suppression of truth by the local state and federal level media outlets. They have in the past released information mined from government agencies and released to the public.Their targets include the State Department, The Federal Reserve and countless other federal, state and local government agencies and departments.
Chris Dorner is the ex-LAPD officer accused of shooting LAPD officers as retribution for his release from the department. His release came as a result of an investigation into charges that his training officer had assaulted a man who had been handcuffed. This investigation is just one in a long line of inquiries of abuse of power and violence perpetrated by the badge wearers. Those responsible for this are safe from prosecution, being shielded behind their “THIN BLUE LINE” But the eyes of the public are on them constantly, all it takes is diligence on the citizens part to record these officers in their actions, remember it is not against any law to record the police in their duty, they may say it is but it is not. CopBlock and CopWatch are two groups that take this to heart and to action.
Bradley Manning has been held in confinement for well over 1000 days. What is His crime? Allegedly he was attempting to release info to Wiki-Leaks. His charges are conspiring to aid the enemy. One question? If Wiki-Leaks releases info to the citizens and Manning was trying to give them info to release to citizens, does that make the citizens the enemy of the United States? So for trying to do the right thing he has been subjected to detention without trial for 3 ½ years. He has been in isolation for much of this unwarranted incarceration. It is unclear if he is being tortured or mistreated by his capturers, but what is clear is that this type of incarceration is not constitutional and should be considered a violation of his constitutional rights as well as a violation of human rights.
These are only a few of these types of cases and in their own right the most infamous of them.

When truth becomes a reason to be detained or worse in this country you have to ask yourself why. Why are we so afraid of the truth, why do we allow ourselves to be fooled, deceived and outright lied to? Why do we not hold accountable those who tell us these lies?  George Orwell said “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”  It has become normal for these new era witch hunts. It has become acceptable to treat the truth as disease, or as a plague that will if released will destroy this false world. 
 Truth is treason in the empire of Lies – Ron Paul
It has become evident to me that America is that empire, and the truth has become treason. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wow I like that bumper sticker bro!
I’m going to make this one short and easy. I have seen a lot of cars and trucks with the same bumper sticker. Stand Up for America, Be American! That’s great for a message; stand up for your country. But what are you doing. What actions have you taken? What have you done, or are doing right now to show that you are doing something to change the course of governmental action? Have you held or even attended a rally or event to show support or lack thereof of a certain cause. NDAA, Gun rights, Property Rights, Drones, Healthcare, anything? Have you taken to writing like I have to try to educate someone or to at least spread the message of freedom? Have you written or called your state or local representatives, senators, congressman or woman, mayor, county commissioners? Have you attended or head up any caucus groups in your local area? What have you done to show that you are standing up FOR AMERICA?
So what will it take for you to do something? 

What is the point of the stickers if there is no action to support  the words?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

All that you think you own

    "A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have...." Thomas Jefferson.  What can never be taken by force, can only be given at will! Property Rights is a main ideal of libertarianism and the liberty movement as a whole. But what is your right to your property? What rights do you really have, hell can you even call it your property? I am talking about land as property, the home site, the family farm, your quaint little corner lot in the small town you grew up in, Is it really yours or is there someone else that has ultimate control on “your” land? Three of the reasons I even question this are Taxation, Eminent Domain and Permits, and I will explain why they are the reasons I say you are only renting from the government.
      The property tax was carried into our United States by feudalism and was used as a means to fund the colony and eventually the state in which the land or property was located. The idea that the state, or even as colonies, the colony could impose a tax on the assessed value of a citizen’s land is something that I do not follow. In the times we live now land is purchased from a bank or private citizen, but it wasn’t always this way. The Government was the original land holder and it was bought, leased or rented from them. Originally the land was not owed by anyone but the American Indians, every tribe had their own region in which they lived, hunted and grew. But that’s a subject for another post altogether. Taxes imposed on the colonies were much lower than today's but were nonetheless a form of theft ( as every tax is). In colonial times those taxes were used for maintaining a well-trained army, among other things. Now these funds are used to fund every nation on earth and to redistribute to those that choose not to work for what they have. Some of the other arguments that come are that the federal government uses this money to pave roads and build highways; this is completely untrue and full of ignorance. The way in which infrastructure is maintained is being left also for another time.
      Eminent Domain is the process by which the government has the power to take private property for public use, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character, following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property. WHAT!!! They can take your property. Now they say with just compensation, but what does that mean, whose idea of a fair price is it? And by what standard do they call it a Government or public use, to build a parking lot or highway? We have too many of those as it is. So eminent domain has been, for the most part used as a way to swindle people out of lands that government deem more valuable to public use or their use rather than private use as it was bought. The idea that the government at any time can strip you of your ownership of rightfully bought property and designate it as for public use or commercial use is one of craziness and absurdity.
     And finally we are on the issue of permits. This is one that I personally cannot stand. The idea that as the owner of property I would need to ask permission for anything is absurd. When you look to improve on, build on or even add on to your property you are required by law to obtain a permit for work performed and adhere to requirements. Next you would have to have the permitted work inspected by an employee of the county or state. Now this is just as if you were renting an apartment and wanted to paint the walls, change the door locks or even replace a window or door. You would need to ask the landlord permission to do so, laying out a plan and all changes being made, after the work is complete the landlord would inspect the work to ensure it was up to their standards. In most cases landlords will not allow some minor changes and even less of major ones to take place. The State however has a way to reduce the amount of rejected projects and make you feel as if you are the true owner of this property, they will place requirements of huge insurance amounts or specific requirements of the type of products used. This allows the state to force compliance through regulations, if you do not agree on the terms you don’t get the work done.
So if you ever want to see who truly owns your land, stop paying taxes or simply build a building without proper permits. You will quickly learn that the true title holder for your corner of the world isn’t those listed on the deed. It is those you call your protectors. I feel that these three reasons are why we never truly own any property like it has been falsely believed for some time. So what do you truly own?