
Saturday, December 22, 2012

The road to prosperity from the edges of the cliff.

     With all the talk of the fiscal cliff as of late I wanted to share my thoughts on it briefly. The cliff has been there from the moment we enacted the ability to tax individual citizens. It has been there since America decided to reign supreme among the many sovereign nations, countries and states all around the world, it has been there since the congress gave away their duty to set weights and measures, the standard of gold conversion, and the officiating of new monies printed or coined. The cliff was there in 1913 when the federal reserve began counterfeiting our currency, controlling interest rates and having a monopoly on the monetary markets. The cliff has always been there, we have been on the road to this cliff for generations now, the problem lies not with the existence of the cliff or the fact that we are on our way there but on the speed and direction of travel to the cliff. We have in many ways accepted the fate in which we are faced with, we have not slowed progress but have increased speed, we have not changed our course there, we have simply let go of the wheel. 

     I have 2 possible scenarios that could and somewhat should play out. 1 unbuckle the seat belt and jump, yeah it's going to hurt , we may bleed or even break a few bones but isn't  that better than landing on top of Greece and Spain at the bottom of this cliff and being a dead economy. 2. Is possibly the most extreme out there. I say let it be, let us fly off the cliff and see what happens, if we somehow survive the plunge and the fiery crash at the end, we may for just a brief moment on the way down have a semi conscience epiphany and learn something great, something that we can use if we manage to survive. 

     We can change the course of history right now. We can jump out of the car or we can ride it to the bottom and hope to learn. Either way we go we all go together, we can't leave people in the car if we decide to jump and we can't have people jumping if we decide to ride it out. We all made this mess we all get to enjoy the consequence of it. It is the duty of every individual to know why we are here and what to watch out for in the future, it is your duty to act to stop fiscal stupidity and arrogance, it is your duty to hold responsible the actions of those that you have placed into power to represent you and your way if life. Iceland is a great example of what I mean. They took care of the problem not the effects of those problems. They are rebounding faster than any other country on earth. We can follow their example and start anew, we can take control of this situation right now and begin to see prosperity once again, we can reinstate America as one of the strongest AND most free nations on earth. Join with your fellow Americans and fight for a better way of life, live with us and by our sides as one people of a great nation and I promise you, you will gain the experience, the skills, the responsibility and the wisdom to continue prosperity into future generations of your family lines.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Ask yourself this question, If the Patriot Act was meant to stop this kind of thing from happening by spying on every American citizens and wiretapping their every call, rummaging through your emails both private and at work, if the bill that was supposed to stop things of this nature from happening, WHAT HAPPENED, WHY DID IT FAIL. It is because it was never about your safety, it has always been about the intrusiveness of it, it has been about their ability to monitor every person and have complete access to your most personal of files, pictures, videos, and all data contained on any hard drive anywhere. you gave up freedom for a false sense of safety and that my friends is a very dangerous slope to be on. Who knows when the next event like this will happen except those that plan them, whether that be a group of government officials and bureaucrats or the kid hoped up on drugs pushed by the big pharm companies.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty really something to fear in America

As I sat and watched the news coming in from New York in late November 2012 I was amazed that our nation’s leaders were so open and accepting of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. I thought “what are they trying to do to our 2nd amendment and why is no one stopping them”?  It didn’t take long for the National Rifle Association and other prominent Firearm enthusiast’s publications and groups to demonize the Treaty without ever opening a single document from the U.N. But what are they so afraid of happening and is it all bunk?
When you read the actual treaty being discussed the majority of it is to combat the illicit trade and transfer of weapons to various countries. The treaty is to insure that countries on the African continent cannot easily acquire weapons to commit human trafficking, kidnapping, rape, pillaging and forced child labor violations that have been prevalent across Africa. It is to combat the black market sales of tanks, aircraft, missiles, anti-aircraft munitions and small arms to countries that have in the past shown to be in favor of brutality and immorality. It is in essence to keep the peace by keeping the pieces.
So what does it mean to America? Well if we are to go by the United Nations written treaty, this on the surface wouldn’t affect us at all. But if you pull back the curtain and reveal the true nature of the beast, it is a clear victory of legislation for the United States of America. You see America is one of the most deceitful countries when it comes to Arms Trade violations, we have learned over the years how not to get caught doing what we do best. We have the capabilities to run weapons and ammunition to bordering countries as we have seen in the Fast and Furious scandal. But that isn’t the first time we have furthered the advancement of militants and their regimes. Al-Qaeda was created by the United States Central Intelligence Agency to help the Afghan people repel the advancement of Soviet Forces coming from Russia. We supplied the arms, ammunition and training of these currently named “terrorist” groups.
What happens if America is cut off from arms trade from other countries? This is my interpretation of what could happen and it really isn’t bad. If America were to be cut off from foreign arms it would generate jobs and manufacturing in the states, suddenly we could compete internally with American made weapons easily accessible to all citizens. We could in theory gain and substantial job growth and employment numbers would rise; better economic reasons to say yes to the Arms Trade Treaty.
I am in no way in support for the United Nations in any aspect of world control or international peace-keeping. I see the United Nations as a waste of valuable America resources, both monetarily and militarily. My opposition of their policy and procedures does not cloud the fact that until our policy makers are convinced of the mal-investment in the United Nations we are under their control. For better or worse we have to be informed on the forced legislation being passed in the name of security.

Monday, December 10, 2012

There is always a mountain before the fiscal cliff.

     With so many self-proclaimed fiscal conservatives in our congress how did we accumulate a 16 trillion dollar debt and an insurmountable deficit? Where were these conservatives when the debt was being created and expanded and the deficit grew exponentially larger? Who holds the answers to get back on track to lowering and paying off the debt and lowering the deficit back to zero?
     During the last 20+ years our debt has climbed at an alarming rate and the deficit has turned into a real monster; but who is responsible for it democrats or republicans? Who holds the blame when they are both doing the same deeds and voting the same way, can you really put sole blame on either party or should we hold each accountable for their part? What happens when this so called cliff is reached is no real concern, it is the why we were allowed to climb the mountain to reach this cliff. The real issue that should be addressed is what we have learned from all of this. Have we learned to make cuts where we can, no not really, because one party wants spending  cuts and the other party wants higher taxation to compensate for outrageous spending and gifting of trillions of dollars to the worldwide nations.  So what is the answer? What we haven’t tried is to make the dollar worth more so that our debt pays off more at a time, cut the spending to only those things that are necessary for the nation to work right. What we haven’t tried to cut off all foreign aid to every nation until we get ourselves in better financial shape, what we should be doing is cutting off the paychecks of our politicians until they can get these things done and we get back on track.
      Who can steer us back in the right direction? I don’t think it can be done by one man or by one party. I believe it would take the combined effort of every one of our government workers, it would take a sound monetary policy being taught in our schools, and it would take the people of this nation to realize that the government’s debt is really our debt. We pay our taxes so that government can run (well that’s what they tell us) and what do they do with it, hit the casino and strip clubs, they blow our money on the temporary goods and bad investments, such as war and foreign aid. The only way to get back on track is to stop with this flawed belief that we can print our way out or that higher taxation of the people will do the trick either.
     So have we learned an important lesson in all of this? I surely hope so, I hope we as a people, as a citizenry, have learned to demand responsibility from our elected officials. I hope we have learned to monitor of national debt and even our state debt just as we would with our personal debt. But who am I kidding, our country leads in personal debt by citizens and we also lead in foreclosures and bankruptcy, so it all kind of makes sense if you think about it. Is it too late? Are we already over the cliff? Have we gone too far to turn back? Honestly I don’t know. What I do know is that either way we go we had better taken some notes because I see this happening again in the very near future. Sink or swim we are all going together. LIVE FREE

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Balance of Power

     The President of the United States of America is a pretty important role, but why does it seem to many that he is the end all of the issues facing us today.  The Senate and the House or Representatives encompass a vastly larger role on decision making and policy making. So why is it that we put all the praise or in the case of the last 25 years all of the blame on the President?
     The House of Representatives is made up of Representatives of each state and the District of Columbia.There are currently 435 plus 6 non-voting member in the United States House of Representatives. That's a lot of opinions and requirements to shuffle through to ensure each state benefits from the laws, mandates and regulations set forth in each session. The power struggle between the parties keeps much of what could potentially be good legislature from passing, but on the same coin it can also be used to block very bad legislature from passing through too. The current numbers for each party are as follows: 255 Democratic Party members and 178 Republican Party members (two vacancies). So with the amount of voices and concerns deliberated in each session how does one negate the fact that these people are to be held responsible also for bad decisions and bad legislature being passed.
     But the House of Reps isn't the only stop on the Blame train, the Senate has the equal power to ratify bills and to draft new laws to be sent to the House and President for approval and veto for any reason. The Senate is made up of two Senators from each state regardless of population of that state. Again with these people supposedly working for the best interest of those they represent the idea that these law makers and politicians should be held accountable for their actions comes in view. Why is it that we are so quick to blame one man for the failure that could have been stopped or might have been started by others?
     The President is only one man but that does not exclude him from the ability to direct new laws and pass unconstitutional Executive Orders. the same process needs to be followed in all Branches of Government, when the President has the ability and authority to execute executive orders at will it leaves out the veto powers of the legislative and judicial branches of Government. In these cases full blame should be put upon the President. In cases where the proper steps have been followed and right paperwork filed and approved it is then up to the people of the country to call on their respective leaders to abolish, reconstruct, amend or nullify those laws which are dangers to the state and a country as a whole, they have a duty to act in order to retain the given power of our constitution and the maintain the power over government. For far too long now the people have forgotten that government is the servant to the citizens will not the other way around. It is time to hold those responsible accountable and those that wish to be a embarrassment to our constitutional republic shall be removed from power.

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A Brief Explaination: Syria, the Rebels, and Chemical Warfare

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While America is wrapped up in Kate Middleton's pregnancy and Rob Kardashian's snarky comments about his ex, US has deployed Patriot Missiles to the Syrian-Turkish boarders.
But why? Reported:
         "The US government is contemplating significant intervention in the Syria conflict and has discussed employing Patriot Air and Missile Defense Systems in Turkey and directly providing arms to opposition fighters.
"In an attempt to defeat Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, government officials told the New York Times that the US might bring its military resources to the region for either intimidation purposes or direct use in Syria.
"NATO will likely decide next week whether or not to deploy surface-to-air Patriot missiles in Turkey, which would serve to protect the country from potential Syrian missiles that could contain chemical weapons, as well as intimidate Syrian Air Force pilots from bombing the northern Syria border towns."
Today these events were set in motion after numerous threats of Chemical warfare. The presidant, Bashar Assad, has been Mr. Popular with his people since 2011, when the beginning of the Free Syrian Army( or better known as the Syrian Rebels) was founded.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thank You to All of my readers.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

What have they done to my Habeas Corpus?

On September 24th 1862 President Abraham Lincoln issued the proclamation suspending the right to writs of Habeas Corpus nationwide. It could also be argued that this was again the case after the Attacks on Pearl Harbor. On Feb. 19, 1942, two months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which gave the military the power to designate zones in which "any or all persons may be excluded" for national defense purposes [source: FDR Library]. They were essentially detained with no charges filed. Following 9/11, President Bush made several attempts with varying degrees of success to revoke the right of habeas corpus. As well as the obvious example of denying habeas corpus proceedings to those detained at Guantanamo Bay, the president attempted, more surreptitiously, to grant himself the power to be able to revoke this basic right for every American citizen. This again was issued under the guise of the National Defense Authorization act of 2007, with the clause to hold any person indefinitely without charges being brought against the person or the nature of the charges being told to the detainee. 
So what is a writ of Habeas Corpus? It is a judicially enforceable order issued by a court of law to a prison official ordering that a prisoner be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that prisoner had been lawfully imprisoned and , if not, whether he or she should be released from custody. A Habeas Corpus petition is a petition filed with a court by a person who objects to his own or another’s detention or imprisonment. The petition must show that the court ordering the detention or imprisonment made a legal or factual error. The right of Habeas Corpus is the constitutionally bestowed right of a person to present evidence before a court that he or she has been wrongly convicted. It happened then under Lincoln and it’s been happening again in the present day. But it is rarely ever covered by the mainstream media. So why is this being allowed and when does it affect your life and liberty?
Brandon Raub from Virginia was detained and imprisoned for days with absolutely no charges ever being brought against him. He has been forced to psychological evaluations. Why was this done? Apparently the authorities who were monitoring his social media and other forms of communications felt that the things he was posting to his personal social media account were threatening in nature and that he posed a risk to himself. First ask yourself this question, why were the Authorities monitoring a private citizen who has had no prior issues with the law, in fact Raub served in the Marine Corps and was deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. So what were the things he was saying on his social media site that was so inflammatory and threatening? Was it the truth about what our military is doing in those countries, was it an air of concern or disdain for the ways they control his life and restrict his liberties, could it have been that his dissent was enough reason to detain him and force an evaluation of his physiological state?
Another story that is apparently forgotten by the media is the case against Bradley Manning, well really it should be said the case that hasn’t been made against Bradley Manning.  Mr. Manning was a soldier in the United States Army, he has been held for well over 2 ½ years without the knowledge of charges against him. So why are they doing this? It could be that he tried to leak information from the military to WikiLeaks. So what is wrong with releasing this info if would and could benefit mankind and bring to light crimes against humanity. I applaud Bradley Manning for standing up and trying to tell the truth, this should inspire more people to take a stand and do what is right and instead it teaches that you should just be subservient to your government or else you will pay for it.
So with the ever increasing police state and the effects of the unconstitutional Patriot Act, the unfathomable and clearly unconstitutional National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA, we are facing a country with dwindling civil liberties and personal security escaping our grasps at alarming speed. We have to take a stand as concerned people to nullify these laws and measures and to replace our political leaders who push for these kinds of things. With the passing of the NDAA it has become dangerous to tell the truth and expose wrongdoings. Because when the countries only tellers of the truth are imprisoned and tortured, denied civil liberties and stolen freedom, what do we have left to decipher our media, where do we turn for the truth who do we look up to and how do we live with ourselves when TRUTH IS TREASON IN THE EMPIRES OF LIES?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Inherient Truth and Unguided Lies

How much of what is said by our nations leaders do you believe? How much credit do you give to the media? How often do you look at the source of the information instead of just following blindly? How does your apathy and willing ignorance cost us? How do we decipher what is real and what is not? Why do we not call for real unbiased news, why do we not expect truthfulness from our leaders?

When the political figurehead for the country or your state releases information either by audio, video, print or all of the above, how do you know it is the truth, do you care if it is the truth or would being lied to make life easier for you? How do we go through life knowing full well that we are being duped, lied to and deceived yet we take it, we allow it, we encourage it and we willingly accept it as  just another fact of life? When will the time come that our leaders were held to their word and expected to conform to the truth even if it were detrimental to their personal favor in the eyes of the public. When will we as citizens of this country and our respective state require honesty from elected officials and request a open discussion for each side of the issues? When will we have enough of the crap they feed us and say that it is for our own safety and security that we not know too much. I for one would like the truth, I can handle the truth of where my own tax dollars go and what my input into the great society is, I would like to know all the secrets of the scandals and ineptness of our government, then I could make educated decisions on who to vote for and who not to. I would like to know the reason behind our military actions and if there are any alternatives to unwarranted wars of aggression and unparallelled violence. I for one would like to know if my energy and resources are be sent off to foreign lands and squandered by the rich politicians there. I would like to know what is in these executive orders before they are signed and set in place, I would like the opportunity to review each and every bill that gets considered by all branches of government, but I guess you have to be in government to see what they really do.

When will it be acceptable to call for the revocation of licenses for media personnel that in fact deceive us or shade the news in favor of their personal goals or beliefs? When we we say enough is enough and want to review the sources as they are and not construed or misconstrued as in many cases? What if we could just write our own news, as a community, a family of people from the same areas with the same goals, fears,concerns,issues and hopes, and benefit our own towns and cities. What would happen to society if we all heard the truth on the issues from our trusted talking head on television or radio, would we all go crazy or would we be enraged that our lives are controlled and manipulated by the people we have trusted to tell us what is happening in our world. Why will they not tell you both sides of the stories that they air, why do they hide one side from your view? What is the purpose of the media if they are just a form of government controlled propaganda and misinformation, what is the purpose of not covering certain stories and adding good will stories as fluff to aid in the digestion of the false world they portray to your sight and sound? I want to hear what is going on in my community the facts of the matter, the meat of the situation and the ideas and proposals of those involved to remedy or control the situation. I want to hear an honest broadcast spoken to the American public, not dumbed down and filtered for viewing pleasure. I want to see the guy next door to me doing a story about the jackass kid who broke 12 mailboxes down the street and what he is willing to do to stop the situation and then maybe hear from my state representative about issues affecting my state and it's problem. I would like to hear my senators talking about the crap they have to deal with from these lobbyists and peddlers of money for power. I would like there to be truth in the mass media, but until the mass of people rise up and demand it they will forever color our news with their own interests.

How much does it cost us to hear these lies and accept the wool being cast over our eyes? What does it cost that our leaders wont tell us how many people really died in the drone strikes in Syria today, or the fact that cures for cancer have been around for years but the lobbyists for the big pharmaceutical companies and corporations pushing sugar pills and ineffective medicine don't want you to know, Why? because you may not buy their product or take their medicine or die out and have to pay the death tax and be replaced by a new tax paying host to the eternal parasite of greed. What does it cost to not care, to cast your voice and opinion to the wind, wipe your hands of electing officials or even paying attention to the legislation being passed by our overpaid under worked congressmen and women and our state senators. It costs your freedom, your liberty, your money, and ultimately your very life. It would be great if we knew the truth to every matter that really does effect us everyday, but with no objection from the faithful herd of willing slaves, they can continue on with the systematic destruction of human rights, human thought and expression, and the demolition of every personal freedom that our ancestors fought and died to protect. There is always more than one side to every story demand them all. It is not a matter of if and how, but when and with what force!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Debt of Wealth

     Wealth is what everyone wants but few can acquire, true wealth does not come from material things or vast accumulation of money, true wealth can be secured by various means and in different ways, but the fact of the matter is this, the Federal Reserve notes that we as Americans are forced to use are based on debt. For every Federal Reserve note that is created we are put into further debt, every note created must be paid back with interest. Just as most credit card companies use interest to make a profit for every dollar of your debt, so does the Federal Reserve. With the interest going strictly to profits the Federal Reserve is making money off of making money but that’s not the end. The Federal Reserve also sets interest rates and cause inflation, what this does is force product prices to rise and your note worth less, then you are forced to “need” more Federal Reserve notes to survive the inflation they created therefore creating more notes to tack interest on to. Sneaky isn’t it? And to think you have allowed it all since 1913.
     The creation of debt in your life starts the minute you get a credit card or loan, even debit cards and bank accounts can be a form of debt. When you get your first credit card you feel as though you have unlimited amounts of money, but that’s just not the case. Every time you use that card you are expanding debt, because that card is not money it is a representation of money with interest owed when used. When you extend your credit to the point of exhaustion of a credit line you are in unbearable debt, for every dollar you have spent you will now repay that amount plus interest, at a high enough interest rate you are in an inescapable hole. A loan is the same as a line of credit from a credit card company; they have allowed you to use their money with a promise to repay with an added interest for using that money. A bank account or debit card can even be forms of debt if you are paying for the privilege of using that account or card; you are paying for permission to use a service.
     So can you build wealth with a monetary system that is based on debt and controlled by the Federal Reserve? In a nutshell, NO. The ability to create wealth is inherent on the money or currency used being valued based on something of worth or value, thin air is not valuable but hard metal assets  such as gold and silver are. With a valued metal resource the value of the money would be set by weights and measures. Wealth cannot be obtained by the usage of currency that can be inflated and devalued at will; the usage of a debt based currency will never afford its collectors and protectors any form of wealth.  The usage of debt based currency has in the past been shown to fail every time.
     How do we really acquire wealth? I don’t know that we can in the environment and society that we live in. To rid ourselves of the Federal Reserve would only be a start, getting ourselves back to hard metal assets backed currency would be helpful, but I feel that it truly would take the mass of people to WANT to be educated in the ways of government corruption and unconstitutional direct taxation. The creation of true wealth will be in personal value of items and skills, the value of these would be set by the individual, and in essence everyone has a vast amount of potential wealth depending on their idea of value.  If such a day ever comes that we were not forced to use a fiat currency as the means of purchase of everyday goods we as Americans could acquire true wealth. First we must stop the disease not simply treat the symptoms.